Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 8 - An Unexpectedly Good Day!

 Rosa used to say, "This was the best day ever!" n and today turned out to be just about that.  It started out to be a nose to the grind stone day getting ready for class tomorrow.  I worked pretty much all day on it,  Del was out meeting with the University Librarian  so I had the place to myself until after 2.  He had had lunch out, so dinner was to be left over spaghetti.  Then Darius from upstairs (Levi's daddy and Brook"s husband) came to say that he had use of his university's car for a big grocery store run if I would like to go.  Needless to say, I accepted with all the excitement that only those who have shopped according to what they can carry on a bus can understand.  Darius introduced me to a store that is on the bus route from school, and it was the best we have been to.  It had canned tomatoes, so I can make soup. Yea!  I bought 6 big cans and some little cans, and canned beans and 6 litres of  milk and a coke and 2 huge bottles of water and frozen vegetables and ice trays and ice cream, and lots more.  It was wonderful.  Of course, we will probably have to put some of the stuff under the bed, but I have tomatoes!  It would have taken us at least 4 trips to the store to get all that heavy stuff, and we probably wouldn't have bought some of it.  I now define a luxury as something we don't really have to have that I am willing to carry, or get Del to carry.
The other highlight of the day was figuring out how to get EHJ to download books here in Lithuania.  It is amazing what reading the directions will do for a person.

Don't tell Del I said so, but some times he is quite clever.  I called the taxi service our contact person recommended only to find that no one spoke English, so I could not make arrangements for tomorrow.  Del suggested I call one of the hotels and ask if someone could recommend a taxi service that might have English speaking employees, and I am all set up.  The part of me that just loves to worry keeps wondering if they really will show up, of course.

Well, you all think of me before you go to bed tonight, because who knows how tomorrow will turn out. Hopefully there will be no crying.  Phooey, I knew there was something I forgot at the store - straws for my wine bottle.

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