Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 12 - Exploring the Neighborhood

Today was drippy and that wet cold that seems colder than the thermometer claims it is, but with no bread in the house, we couldn't put off  gearing up and heading out.  I left a bit before Del and discovered that the new Iki opened today.  It is small but only 3 short blocks from home.  Del and I will both be glad that either of us will be able to run out when we run out without feeling we have to take the other to tote enough to make the trip worthwhile and without taking a bus.  Best of all, they have canned tomatoes!  I took a handbasketful  of groceries home and then went back out to explore while Del finished up some work.  We came up with the novel plan of having him use his new always turned on cell phone to call me on my new, always on and kept relatively handy cell phone when he headed out so we could meet and go to the Old Market together.  If it works, it just may catch on.

I found a shop that sold hiking sticks, so I bought the kind that telescope and then went to the felting shop. The items took my breath away.  They were truly wearable art.  Some were knitted and then felted and some were needle felted, I think.  I tried on every hat in the shop trying to find one to fit my huge head.  That didn't happen so I bought a beautiful blue shawl instead.  We have to get gussied up on Friday evening, so I will get Del to take a picture of it.

Then, can you believe it, the phone rang, and Del and I were able to find each other.  Our first stop was at the Humana Shop where we found 3 gently used sweaters @ 80 cents US each.  Our US friends had suggested that expats often donate things that might fit.  The Humana does not quite measure up to the Discovery Shop or the Tallmadge Goodwill, but it certainly came through for us.  We then went to the suspender vendor, who, for some strange reason, recognized us, to buy a second pair of suspenders.

Then home to Skype with DT&R.  MP didn't care to speak.  It is really neat.  Great to hear their voices and see their faces.  We could even see Rosa's dress designs.  And Skyping is so easy even we can do it, after a brief tutorial from David. so give us a Skype when you get a chance.  We are bettymae62.

Thanks to everyone who worried about Del. I have already tenderly hand washed two of the sweaters, using the I Love Lucy grape smashing technique to get the water out of them.  Having sized 9 feet comes in handy (sorry, unintentional, I promise) for stomping sweaters in the bathtub.  Okay, maybe that part isn't so tender.  Even though Levi's dad gave me washing machine lessons yesterday, I did not dare tempt fate.

Wishing you all better weather and a good rest of the week end.  Fingers crossed for fireworks tonight.  It seems to have stopped dripping out.

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