Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 21 Happy Valentine's Day

Hope you all have a happy Valentine's Day.  Ours has been quiet.  It was below zero windchill, so we just decided to stay home. ( It's up to 5 degrees F. now at 10:50 PM.)  Del has lots of writing to do, and I used puff pastry to make goodies for the neighbors.  I haven't figured out the names for baking powder and baking soda, so I didn't have the ingredients for baking.  Plus, flour messes up the kitchen.  One of the neighbors is going to email the names for common ingredients in case the mood strikes.

My special Valentine treat, however, was popcorn.  It is not a common or popular snack here, so I was thrilled to find 2 packages at the Iki  last week and put them away for a special occasion. 

Today was also sheet washing day.  That is a carefully thought out procedure since they have to be hung to dry.  Our matress is actually 2 mattresses and the bottom sheets are great big old pillow cases, so what I do, is wash those on one half of the bed one day and then when they are dry, I wash the other side.  It generally takes about 24 hours for them to dry.  The drying rack folds out to more than 5 feet, and with a sheet on it looks like we have a hospital gurney (sp?) set up in the living room.  Other than sheet days, I wash small loads and we can do all the drying in the bathroom and front hall closet, so it doesn't look so bad.

Off to study some more for Lithuanian class.

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