Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 34 Yummy Salads - Huge Salads

We spent the morning doing what needed to be done, laundry, school work, etc.  Del worked on on tomorrows  presentation  to school librarians.  Then for lunch, I made huge salads from those mixed salad greens in the plastic shells, beets, onions, cucumber, a little mould cheese (love that translation) and oil and red wine vinegar.  Yesterday was the first time I had seen anything other than the occasional baby leaf lettuce in the markets, and I was so excited.  It was like eating spring.    I also cooked a few slices of the sausage from the bacon man at the Old Market.  It was okay, but I don't know that it was what I expected - very salty and almost too smoky.  It made me wonder if there was artificial smoke flavor in it.  You wouldn't have thought you could get meat too salty for the Va. ham woman, would you?  I'm glad I only bought a small piece.  I was not sure whether it needed to be cooked.  The man had offered me a taste in the store, but he also offered me a taste of bacon, and I know that was raw.

We left for church early today, because it was our turn to set up and take down the chairs, get out the hymnals, heat the water for tea and wash up after.  It really isn't that big a deal, because just about everyone puts his/her own chair away.  The pictures, not really good ones, are of the podium and cross from the church.  They are made from driftwood, which is fitting since this is a sea community.  After we were done, we went to dinner at the Thai restaurant with a couple from Texas and our neighbor from Goshen, Indiana.  I had a curried fish dish, and Del had calamari in a hot, hot. hot red chili sauce.  Both were quite good, and more what we had expected than the Pad Thai I had the other week.

Home to Skype the kids.  Rosa was reading and swinging in the back yard, and David was sitting on the deck doing some work.  Tracy is just getting over a cold.  We got to see Rosa jumping rope, or as the kids at Tallmadge Primary  said, jump roping.  She has been studying Egypt in Target class, so the three of them went to an exhibit as Emory this weekend.

Tomorrow I will try to beat some Lithuanian into my feeble brain.  I was proud that I remembered the word for price when I was at the market yesterday.  Priorities, priorities.

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