I want to be sure I explain that despite the fancy door locks, Lithuania has almost no crime, and we feel quite safe. I just like the key. Betsy from Harrisonburg was not at all apprehensive about walking to the bus stop and from the bus stop home by herself after dinner on Sunday night. Her husband was home sick, not homesick. Del and I offered to go with her since it was dark, but she pooh poohed the idea. This is her 9th year here, and she feels at ease.
This is also the cleanest place I have ever seen. We've seen the rare beer bottle or can on a wall or on the ice on the river, and I do mean rare, but no papers or bags or other litter. Del accidently dropped a campaign paper he was too polite to refuse from a person on the street while getting his bus pass out of his pocket, and I had to go running after it. The wind just seemed to delight in letting me get almost to it before sweeping it away. I finally caught up with it, thank goodness. Those Americans, don't you know. Reminds me of Mr. Silk, the black and tan dachshund (sp?) who owned us for 14 years. He would sneak out, wait until we were almost up on him and then run like a bat, over and over again. Difference being, he could not be dropped into the nearest trash can.
I studied Lithuanian this morning and then out to class. We got home about 6, after the obligatory stop at the Iki, and I started the spaghetti sauce for dinner. No Mids, here, Ohio people, so I concocted my own. The tomatoes here are sweetened, or something, so it wasn't as good as Mema's special sauce, but it was something different, and I had leftovers to put in the freezer. I made a lettuce, pear and mould (blue) cheese salad to go with it. The lettuce was a small head of leaf lettuce with the roots still attached in a little pot with potting soil. It was so tender, it had to be just a baby.
Time for last minute review of teaching materials for tomorrow. Five o'clock will be here way too soon.
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