Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Reentry Post 2 IPhone Envy Is Not a Pretty Thing

It is well known among my nearest and dearest that I have always looked at cell phones as emergetncy equipment, not quite in the category of fire extenguishers, but close.  And I obviously was only concerned with my own emergencies because while I kept it charged and with me most of the time, I rarely turned it on, and if I did and happened to get a call, I was usually unaware of it because sound doesn't carry well from the bowels of an overstuffed purse.  As for checking messages, not high on my list.  Only my nearest and dearest had the number, and they knew that calling it was pretty much fruitless.  David once said quite seriously that people in third world countries had more up to date phones than his dad and I.  He also thinks it amusing that we do not own a tv that was born in this century, but that is beside the point.

While in Lithuania, I became accustomed to having my phone on and using it for day to day to day communication, but it wasn't like it was a Kindle or a computer or anything.  I didn't have any emotional attachment to it.  Then friends Mark and Sandy arrived to visit, bringing with them one of their IPhones, and I was struck by a severe case of IPhone envy which only got worse when David and Tracy arrived with theirs.  I actually wasn't much interested in the phone.  I wanted aps and internet and gps and other stuff I felt sure IPhones might have, even if I never learned to use them.

So, we went to the AT&T store this afternoon and bought IPhones, the newer one for my envious self and the cheaper one for Del.  Anita, a sweet young woman, spent lots of time explaining and encouraging us and downloading free aps.  I have been a little worried since she mentioned that there are free games, but I am not afraid to pry the phone from Del's hot little hands if he gets too carried away.  He might have to do the same for me and my information souces.  I forgot to ask if it can Google.  I hope it can Google.

Now that we have these phones, I hope we don't have to hire Rosa to tutor us in their use, but we just might.  She doesn't have a phone, but seems quite competent in using her parents' applications.  I've never actually seen her make a call.

My phone is all decked out in a hot pink ensemble by Otter so I can find her in the bottom of my black purse and so she won't go the way of Earl Hamner, Jr. should I have a clumsy moment, and we know that sooner or later, I will.  I say "she" because she looks quite girly, and will certainly require a girly name if I decide to name her.      

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