Tuesday, June 21, 2011

DaY 148 Goodbye to Daiva and Arvydas

Del had a last meeting with the unversity librarian, and I did some more weeding, sorting and packing.  It just may all work out, if we mail home the books we need to take home.  Both our working materials and the lovely gift books we have received.

This afternoon, Daiva picked us up and drove us to Palanga where we met her husband Arvydas and went to dinner.  He is such an interesting man.  His first career was in business, but when his son was quite ill and medicine was not able to help, he sought the help of a famous healer who showed him that he has that gift.  He is well known all over as a healer and also is a talented musician, song writer, singer and poet. He has also written books and plays.  His most recent book has just been published in English.  I did not realize until today that he was one of the organizers of the Hill of Witches project.  It has been so interesting to talk with him.  He said one time that from talking with me he sensed that after retirement I was having trouble finding my way because I have so many interests that it is difficult for me to choose something to focus on.  He was channeling the original Miss Rosa, I think, and I have the half finished projects  and tubs of craft materials of every sort to prove it.  I don't know if  Lithuanians understand the concept of jumping another rabbit, but it is certainly one of my strengths.  My next rabbit is wet wool felting.  Who knows, maybe it will be my craft of choice.  Rosa is eager to work on it with me.

If you are on FB you are enjoying the pictures from London.  That Harry Potter tour must have been amazing, and today was the Globe Theater.  What fun that she and her friend Thomas can enjoy it all together.

If you are going to spend an extended time in a country not your own, you need a Daiva.  She has done everything she could possibly do to make things easy for us here and to see that we had every opportunity to know what was going on in the community.  You also need an Audrone who has done more than her share of looking after us and being sure we have had a wonderful time.  She has also been generous in sharing her family with us.  What would we have done without Joris?  Vladas has been such a good sport about it all, and we have enjoyed him and his sister Erika.  Other members of the department have been extrordinarily kind to us as well.

Back to our special evening.  Arvydas drove us to a lovely country spa and small resort which was designed in the old style.  There were thatched roofs and small animals.  The bunnies were nibbling grass on the earth covered sotrage areas, but the birds were in large enclosures, thank goodness.  There were wonderful places for children to play, and you could eat inside or outside in those lawn tents with the mesh sides.  The food was delicious.  Daiva and Arvydas like to share their meals as Del and I do, although they have a system.  Each eats half and then switch plates.  Del and I are more apt to share at the beginning  or pick at each other plates.  Tonight we didn't get to do that because we ordered what Daiva recommended, so we had the same meal.  It was a lovely pork dish.  Daiva said it wasn't Lithuanian, but it was getting to be.  I told her that Rosa had said she didn't really know what American food was because we eat so many things from other countries so often that it seems American.  She has a point.  I'm thinking fried chicken and barbecue, and I want some.

It was hard to say "goodbye."  We will miss our friends here.  I hope we will be able to come back some time, and we will centainly be waiting for visits to Villa Rica.

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