We haven't had tv on for about a month. The reception has been really bad, so it just hasn't been worth it. Plus, the remote fell down into the sofa and we just didn't bother to look for it. Turns out there is a storage space under there. The last night the electricity on our street went out and when it came back , the tv came back on to CNN with the sound muted. Turning it on and off has to be done in a very specific way, so I did not try without the remote, and it was too late to mess with looking for it. We just went to bed and left it on. This morning when I got up, I noticed the banner saying Bin Laden was dead. We took the sofa apart and found the remote so we could unmute and hear the news.
I guess I can understand why some people feel so jubilant, but I figure we haven't heard the end of him yet, even though he is dead. I thought Pres. Obama and SOS Clinton spoke well. Sometimes I think it is often difficult for him to demonstrate the depth of his feeling, but when he does, it is quite effective.
Del has spent the day working. I worked a little, but mostly did some laundry and read. I'm off the Naprosen now and doing well as far as pain goes, but I still don[t feel awfully energetic.
The Prague pictures will eventually get to you. My computer never did really like Prague, and we ended up downloading Picaso to Del's computer, but it did not function in the same way mine does, and we never did get them so we could upload them to the web, so today I started over and put them on my computer. When Del gets a chance, he will label the ones I can't remember, or did not see, and then we will put them up. Please put Prague on your list. If anyone is going anytime soon, you can get a discount at the hotel where we stayed, so let me know.
I decided that when I have nothing much to blog about, I will begin talking about some of the things I have found most helpful in our travels. I don't claim to be an expert, but that never stopped me before. I hope I don't repeat myself, but that never bothered me before, either, did it?
Now it goes without saying that Earl Hamner, Jr., my Kindle is top of the list, but y'all have heard that until your eyes are rolling back in your heads, so first would be my ever present shawl. It is a little taller than me and 62 inches wide, because that's how wide it came off the bolt. It is a thin black wool jersey fabric. I rounded the ends to neaten it up and then folded it lengthwise and made a cut along the fold that went several inches less than halfway down the length. I thought that would make it fit across my shoulders and stay on better. I can also fold back the wings to make it look a little different. Because the jersey does not ravel or stretch out of shape, I didn't do any stitching. This is not the most beautiful shawl I have, but it is big enough to go over a heavy down coat or serve as a wrap on its own. The other things it does are ball up to go behind my head as a pillow on planes, trains and buses, serve as a blanket and fold up to fit into my ever present tote or day pack with never a wrinkle.
The origin of the fabric is a good memory on its own. When PROOF opened on Broadway, Del and I went up to see it. Our friend Miss Annetta happened to be landing in NY after one of her round the world trips, so she stayed over and went with us. She is also a friend of the parents Auburn, so was also eager to see the play. She had lived in NY for many years until her first husband died, so she was an excellent tour guide. We went past a funky fabric store, and I had to go in. I bought this piece of fabric and a piece of paisley wool challis. It was an early October day that took a cold turn while we were out, so Miss Annetta and I wrapped up in my fabric. Del just had to stay cold. I bought a large square of the paisley and spent a month of evenings pulling threads to make a self fringe. It has also enjoyed its trip to Lithuania. My theory that shawls would serve as sweaters without taking up so much space in the luggage has proved correct. I just wish I wore them with the same style the Lithuanians do. They always look so elegant in their scarves and shawls. I need lessons.
Well, that's more than you needed to know on the subject of shawls, so I'll say "Goodnight."
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