Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 120 Another Lovely, Generous Lithuanian!

Today, I went to the museum for my felting class.  Sondra met me there on her day off to give me the lesson, and I had such fun.  She is a very interesting woman.  Her degree is in literature, and a book she has written is coming from the publisher this week.  Her day job for the museum is as supervisor of the Klaipeda Sculpture park.  (I've put up pictures, so you know how wonderful it is.)  She also does classes for children in felting and other crafts through the museum.

She started me with the basics, which is good, but also showed me some more complicated  projects.  When we finished, I laughed and asked for saskita, which in a restaurant is the check.  She declined payment and short of coming to blows, there was no changing her mind.  Fortunately, I had stopped at the wool store and bought several packages of wool roving, so I made her take some  of them.  It was not easy to get her to do it, but I told her I could not come back unless she took the yarn, so she did.

One other thing Sondra did was tell me about her creative writing teacher, who is a Lithuanian American who has written some interesting stuff.  Her name is Laima Vince Sruoginis.  She chose to come back here during Soviet times to study and because she was fluent in English and Lithuanian, she was asked to serve as interpreter for some of the political protest speeches.  Much of her writing involves the turbulent times of Lithuania, but she has also written a children's book set in the house she and her children lived in off the coast of Maine.  I enjoyed reading about her and seeing her interviewed on the internet.  My little addiction to the internet issue is worse than ever, I fear.

On Friday night, Sondra is leading a tour of the sculpture garden with poetry, etc. and has asked us to join in.  I accepted for Mark and Sandy.  Hope they don't mind.  Del and I have grown accustomed to listening to  people speak or read in a language we don't understand, but the sculpture is interesting enough to make it worthwhile, I think.

Again, I just have to say it, people are so nice.  I always knew it, but not nearly as clearly as I know it now.

Can't wait to see Mark and Sandy!  I hope they enjoy their brief stay in this wonderful country.

By the way, blogs work better if you remember to hit publish.  Yesterday's blog just sat around waiting for me to get a clue.

This picture is of Sondra.  Isn't she pretty!

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