Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 126 Laundry, Laundry Everywhere!

Clothes certainly dried faster when the heat was on.  The clothes I washed when we got up at 4 am on Sat. to see Mark and Sandy off is still damp and hogging the drying rack, so the additional loads we have washed since then are hanging from door knobs and over the doors.  It's a jungle in here.  I plan to fling my arms around my dryer and hug its little neck when we get home. 

We got our first dryer at an auction sale our first winter in Macomb, Illinois, 1981, I think, and we replaced it about 10 years ago in Akron.  We got our first washer in Chapel Hill. Some of the apartments we rented had laundry rooms in another building, which certainly beat trecking to the laundromat.   Pampers had been invented when David was born, but they were strongly scented and his skin would not put up with that or with simple washing of clothes.  The doctor told me to wash all his stuff three times - first in Ivory Flakes, then in vinegar water and finally in plain water.  That was a pain, but at least I did not have to boil diapers on the stove as Mother did.  In my brother's day diapers were ironed, but they had changed that custom by the time I came along 12 years later.  Can you imagine boiling diapers on a  wood stove, drying them on a clothes line outside or on the back porch and then ironing them with a flat iron heated on the wood stove?  I saw "sad iron" on a card in a museum  one time and never gave it much thought, seeing as how it woud make me sad to have to use such a thing.  The word does not refer to emotion, however, but rather derives from the Old English word for solid.

We were invited up to Christine's for dinner tonight.  She is our third floor green door neighbor.  She made yummy spaghetti, and salad, and I made banana pudding for dessert.  It is not what you woud call authentic when you make it with  star shaped ginger cookies, but they make a pretty good substitute for vanilla wafers.  We had a nice evening.  She has been down here a couple of times, but when I'm in charge of feeding six of us, plus there's a baby to play with, I don't get to spend much time visiting with individual adult people, so it was good to have a chance to get to know her better.

When we got home, I started to pack away some more things we can do without until we get home, and got up a bag of stuff to take to Humana.

Oh, because I don't want to forget, I saw a bride with a rather bright pink veil the other day.  I think it would be fair to say pepto pink.  It was from a distance and I couldn't get a picture, but her gown seemed to be white.

Have a good Memorial Day.

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