Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Out and About on Day 2 - Cell Phone Saga

Our host person, Daiva, kindly came to help us navigate the bus system to visit the university and hunt for cell phones.  We had a lovely day with her, and it was  good to see where we will be and how to get there.  Because my first class starts at 8, she recommended that I cab in.  At this time of the year, it is still dark, and she doesn't know it yet, but with my sense of direction, I could end up anywhere in daylight.  Who knows what would happen in the dark!
Everyone at KU was very accomodating and seemed genuinely glad to have us here.  We will go in on Monday to meet with the whole department and will begin classes next Wed. and Thurs.  We are also signing up to take Lithuanian lessons.

After lunch, we headed for the mall to buy cell phones.  Daiva guided us through the process and after being assured that everything was in English as well as Lithuanian, we headed out in blissful ignorance - not unusual for us in the electronics field.  When we got home, I discovered that the instructions in the box were only in Lithuanain, but I quickly found a manual online, so that was no problem.  I got the pin numbers in and the phones on, but all the words on the phone are in Lithuanian, so that is as far as I got.  My next plan is to compare the words on the internet to the words in the paper guide to see if I can make heads or tails of it.  If not, I'll go back to the mall and see how well the salesperson and I make out.

Our upstairs neighbor, Brooke, and baby Levi came over tonight bearing homemade sugar cookies.  She is from the Pittsburg area, so I know I will like her. 

I'll let you know how the phone thing turns out - getting them set up, learning to keep them charged up, on and with us, learning to SMS (Lithuanian for texting), etc.  You know which of those will be hardest for us, don't you?

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