Trying to catch up with our to do list after being snow/ice captives for 8 days has been interesting, to say the least. Our dentists, bless them, rolled three appointments into one for me and four into two for Del, so that took Wednesday from 8 to 2 for both of us, with Del to go back on Sat. Wednesday night, we went to Mableton to go over financial things with the kids. Thursday, we went to sign Georgia wills, bought stuff for Del and went to Lowe's to get stuff for a stair rail. Del also got his hair cut. I start today getting cut and dyed, and then I have to get packed and clean the house.
About that trip to Lowe's - it reminds me of my friend who bought new curtains for the guest bedroom and three months later had recarpeted and painted that room and remodeled the kitchen. Her husband had a little trouble understanding when she explained that the new curtains just made things look bad.
In our case, it all started with having some new dead bolts put in. While Richard was working, we mentioned some of the other quirks we have lived with since we moved here. For instance, we could not figure out why the doorbell and the lights in the second guest room only worked part time. After a few weeks we realized that they worked fine if the upstairs hall light was on. Seems the folks who wired this house must have done it after they drank their lunch. We also have no railing on the first six steps to the second floor, etc., etc. Before long, the list we had for Richard was longer than my arm, and his crew has been here since Tuesday. Del kept saying it would be great if we could go ahead and get such and such done while they are here. I figure they will leave about the same time we do on Sunday. We seem to have a habit of getting involved with projects at the worst possible time. Remember when Steve the Painter finished painting in Akron at 7 PM the night before Del went to Cleveland Clinic to get Daryl Tom, the 20 some pound tumor, removed?
Oh well, my mother used to say that I wasn't happy if I wasn't worrying and rushing around in a "swivit" at the last minute. Don't know if "swivit" is a word, or how to spell it, but that's what she used to say.
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