Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 72 I Got Nothing.

We are a couple of Sad Sacks around here today.  Del feels yucky, and I'm still nursing my neck. We both worked all morning, and I went to Lithuanian class.  He didn't have what it took, so stayed home.  My achy neck and I got all the way to the bus stop before I realized that I left the homework I spent hours on on the table.  I rushed back home, got it and still got to class on time.  That probably means I left home too early, but it saved my bacon.  We read menus and presented recipes.  It was sort of fun to see that I do maybe recognize more than I thought.  Then home by way of Iki for milk and water.

 It was a nice warm day,  and an older Lithuanian lady sat down beside e on the bus and started to talk to me.  I explained that I didn't understand, but she kept talking.  A young woman sitting across from me asked if I was at LCC, and we had a little conversation - in English.

Other than that, I got nothing.  Can't think of a single thing that might even remotely be of interest to me, much less to you guys.  But, tomorrow is another day.  Who knows what might happen?

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