Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 54 Winter Is creeping Back

The day started clear but chilly.  By the time we got home tonight, however, there was a combination of light rain/snow  It has lightly covered the square in front of the house, but the streets just look wet.  We are supposed to have some rain/snow tomorrow, but it isn't supposed to get cold enough to cause much trouble.

I took my librarian to visit the neighborhood children's library today.  They seemed glad to see us.  The younger of the two women was able to translate a little for us and we relied on gestures and so forth for the rest.  We had a nice visit, and promised to come back for coffee next time.  I think I told you that the owl is the mascot of the library, even though the real owl is no longer with them.  She showed me the photo album of the owl's life, including flying free at her home during times the library was closed for holiday.  Apparently it loved being sprayed with water and would lift its wings and turn from side to side for its shower bath.  I thought Daiva had told me they gave the owl away, but Prane said "kaput" which to me means dead.

After the visit, I continued on to the bus stop to go to the Acropolus.  I ended up finding a store that sells chothes for little fat women, but didn't buy anything.  I did load up on children's books to take to the library and a Richard Scarey book for Audrone's son.  The title translates to WORKERS, and it appears to be a shorter version of WHAT DO PEOPLE DO ALL DAY?, a book David slept with for months.  I hope he enjoys it.  We will see him at the puppet show tomorrow.

Audrone received an invitation from the public library for us to attend a  folk concert there tonight, so she offered to meet us there.  I'm afraid she is being called upon to baby sit us an awful lot.  If I understood correctly, the young people were a touring group from a really good high school here in Klaipeda.  They have been to many countries to perform, so it was an honor to see them.  All of the members played at least 2 instruments, sang and danced.  I was able to get pictures of some, but not all of the instruments.  I was particularly interested in one that was a sort of wooden flute with simple holes and a piece of an animal horn attached to the bottom.  The concert lasted an hour and then there was about 30 minutes of gift giving and speeches.  We did not stay for the reception after, but I'm sure it was nice.  Maybe we could have had some more of that potent whiskey.

The original part of the library is housed in a  mansion once owned by the Gerlach family. The concert was held in what is called Gerlach's Attic.  Which is just that, with all the huge exposed beams and everything.  There is a larger hall in the modern part of the library, but this is charming.  They have put in a stage and set up chairs and benches as needed.  Tonight it was full to the brim with families and officials from the city.  We are impressed at the number of community activities that have taken place in the library since we have been here.

The Wild Man statue is one we walk past at least once a week, but never noticed before.  When I say right past, I mean within tripping distance.  It has the misfortune to be right in front of the felted wool shop, and I am always pointing out things in the window to Del even if we  don't actually stop to look.  So the Wild Man has only seen our backs and we hadn't seen him at all. 

The knight, Herkaus Manto, was captured by Teutonic knights as a child during the local crusades, but grew up to fight against his captors.  He was killed by the crusaders, but is now a main street in Klaipeda.  Del says to tell you that the same picture I took is in Wikipedia.

I am going to have to go and get someone to teach me how to drape scarves and shawls the way the Lithuanian women do.  They look so elegant, and their shawls stay where they were put.

Happy Weekend, Friends!

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